Events Calendar
You are WELCOME to ALL events.
All of our events are FREE.
WIN a Gift Card. GAIN experience. BUILD your skill set. ENHANCE your resume.
Employers seek students who are career ready (, so seek out opportunities to develop these skills. We offer many in our various events throughout each academic year.
Please reach out to Yadéeh Sawyer at for an accommodation needs for any of our events.
See the bottom of the page for an embedded Outlook Calendar of events, including instructions on how to add our event calendar to your devices. |
Stay informed, use our engineering your succ ESSweb-app!
Click HERE for additional information.
Win a Gift Card!
School of Engineering (SoE) Students - each semester we award a GIFT CARD to the UNM Bookstore for the top 5 students who attend the most ESS Center events (earn a bonus point by completing the associated feedback form). This could be YOU. And, add those events to your resume as co-curricular experiences so your future employer knows you took full advantage of your undergraduate experience. Don't wait, join us at our events!
What we offer
ESS Center collaborates with various offices and departments across UNM, as well as community partners in the STEM industry to provide workshops, events, or skills that help build School of Engineering student self-efficacy, preparedness, and success. We believe in supporting student success and retention through a holistic approach to their educational experience. The goal is to better assist students in preparation for their future careers.
Additionally, ESS Center students and staff members also participate in a variety of annual career conferences, and provides support to students for travel to these conferences. Find out more here.
Event Feedback:
We want to make sure our events and workshops are as beneficial as possible and we are always seeking to improve. Your constructive feedback is greatly appreciated. Fill out our survey/evaluation HERE. Thank you!
Semester Long Programs:
Don't miss out on our great Semester Long Programs: Mentoring. Research. Internships.
Event List
In the case our succESS web-app is not functioning properly , you can RSVP HERE, or SIGN IN HERE.
And, check out what the School of Engineering is hosting HERE (including their Engineering in Action series).
See the bottom of the page for an embedded Outlook Calendar of events
K-12 STEM Events at UNM - check out our K-12 Opportunities pages.
UNM & Community Events - check out our weekly email which we send out via our UNM_STEM-L listserv.
You are WELCOME to ALL events.
- Mentoring. Internships. Research.
- Engineering Your Bridge to Success: Summer Bridge Sessions ( FLYER) : Nervous about starting at a University setting in the Fall? Want to feel confident entering your University courses? Then this opportunity is for you.
- What: Summer Bridge Sessions
- Partners/Presenters: ESS Center's very own Yadéeh Sawyer and Nada Abdelhack
- Where: Synchronous in-person (in the ESS suite - CENT 2080 - Albuquerque Main Campus) and virtual via Zoom ( All sessions start at 10 am MST and typically go until 11:15 am, with a few sessions lasting longer. See specific session information below.
- More info:
- Read all about it on the Engineering Your Bridge to Success webpage. The goal of these workshops are to provide students with foundational skills to better support them as they enter their first semester at UNM. Mastering these skills will equip students to handle challenges they may face upon entering the University setting.
- See July for additional sessions.
- RSVP is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, as well as week before and day before email reminders. RSVP for EACH desired session below.
- Sessions offered (see July for additional sessions):
- Our intent for this session is to give you an overview of the various academic pathways you can take to get into the working world, what sectors you can work in for your career, and the supportive skills it takes to be successful, including understanding the scientific method.
- When: Thursday, August 1, 2024. 10 - 11:15 AM.
- Our intent for this session is to help give you a better understanding of how to tackle both technical reading and writing, including citations. This goes beyond things like instruction manuals, as you will see. Learn more about how to effectively read a scientific paper and how to translate that skill into your own writing. This session highlights how to effectively read, understand, & critique primary peer reviewed scientific articles and teaches techniques on how to best incorporate scientific literature into their own writing, including common errors, as well as working with others, and citation managers.
- When: Friday, August 2, 2024. 10 - 11:30 AM.
- This session isn’t just about how to think critically, but just as importantly, how it relates to pop science. Our intent for today is to help you thinking critically about information you come across will help you better understand the information. As Engineers and computer scientists, you have to make sure you are helping others understand what is credible and what is not. Take your critical thinking skills to the next level - apply them to what you see all over social media and the Internet. This workshop discusses how to recognize and cultivate clear, logic-based analyses of controversial scientific topics in the context of modern political and popular culture.
- When: Monday, August 5, 2024. 10 - 11:15 AM.
- Our intent for this session is review or introduce concepts of metrics, conversion between systems, as well as within like systems, and address scientific notation and significant figures. All which are fundamental to accurate problem solving in STEM fields..
- When: Tuesday, August 6, 2024. 10 - 11:15 AM.
- Our intent for this session is to help make you more comfortable with Microsoft Excel© by introducing you to some basic functions that you can explore more in depth on your own, but not the only way to do things. We will cover the basics of entering data, all the way through graphing and equations, with many shortcuts and tips along the way.
- Our intent for this session is to give you a good understanding of the multitude of ways to get into a research lab as an undergraduate from how to get started to building bridges and landing that position. As well as the importance of ethical practices within your research experience, but also your undergraduate journey, and especially in your professional career.
- When: Thursday, August 8, 2024. 10 - 11:15 AM.
- Our intent for this session is to introduce you to and remind you of all the amazing things UNM has to offer - many beyond what you found out about at your NSO. And, learn how your advisor is more than just a person to remove your holds.
- When: Friday, August 9, 2024. 10 - 11:15 AM.
- Pre-Semester Prep Workshops ( FLYER) : These interactive workshops will review all foundational material leading up to the specified course so you are better equipped to hit the ground running.
- What: Pre-Semester Prep Series
- +Attend our Physics 1, Pre-Calc/Trig, Calc 1, or Calc 2 sessions and provide feedback for access to a general knowledge exam to even better prepare you for the first exam (and potentially beyond) within your course.
- Partners/Presenters: ESS Center and CAPS
- Where: Synchronous in-person (in the ESS suite - CENT 2080 - Main Campus) and virtual via Zoom (
- RSVP is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, as well as week before and day before email reminders. RSVP for EACH desired session below.
- Courses/Sessions offered:
- Prepares students for College Algebra (Math 1215 and 1220).
- When: Monday, August 12, 2024. 10 AM - 12 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (Albuquerque Main Campus in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- More info:
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Prepares students for Trigonometry & Pre-Calculus (ENG 120, MATH 1230, 1240 & 1250). Includes reviewing college algebra.
- When: Monday, August 12, 2024. 1 - 3 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (Albuquerque Main Campus in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- More info:
- Provide feedback and gain access to a general knowledge exam to even better prepare you for the 1st exam (and potentially beyond) in your course.
- Topics covered:
- Solving linear equations, system of linear equations, and inequalities
- Linear functions, their graphs, and their interpretation as a rate of change
- Piecewise functions, algebra of functions, function composition, difference quotient of functions
- Quadratic functions
- Polynomial functions, rational functions, and inequalities involving them
- Long and synthetic division of polynomials
- Inverse functions, and the criteria necessary for a function to have an inverse
- Exponential functions and their properties
- Log functions and their properties
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Prepares students for Calculus I (Math 1430 and 1512). Includes reviewing pre-calculus and trigonometry.
- When: Tuesday, August 13, 2024. 10 AM - 12 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (Albuquerque Main Campus in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- More info:
- Provide feedback and gain access to a general knowledge exam to even better prepare you for the 1st exam (and potentially beyond) in your course.
- Topics covered:
- Ellipses
- Hyperbolas
- System of non-linear equations
- Unit circle, trig functions, and their graphs
- Inverse trig functions and their graphs
- Law of sines and cosines
- Trig identities, addition/subtraction formulas, double/half angle formulas
- Solving trig equations
- Parametric equations, complex numbers, polar form
- Vectors, dot product
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Prepares students for Calculus II (Math 1440 and 1522). Includes reviewing Calculus I.
- When: Wednesday, August 14, 2024. 10 AM - 12 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (Albuquerque Main Campus in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- More info:
- Provide feedback and gain access to a general knowledge exam to even better prepare you for the 1st exam (and potentially beyond) in your course.
- Topics covered:
- Numerical and graphical explanation of limit
- Formal definition of limit, limit properties, limit at infinity, L'Hopital's Rule
- Using limits to determine vertical, horizontal, and slant asymptotes of rational functions
- Determining whether a function is continuous
- Definition of derivative, linear properties of the derivative
- Product rule, quotient rule, and chain rule
- Derivative of trig and exponential functions
- Derivative as a rate of change, implicit differentiation
- Related rates
- Maxima and minima, Mean Value Theorem
- Using the 1st and 2nd derivatives to graph the original function
- Optimization, Extreme Value Theorem, linear approximation using differentials
- Reimann sums, definite integrals, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 1 and 2
- Properties of integrals, substitution
- Area between curves, volume of solids of revolution, length of curves
- RSVP( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Prepares students for Calculus III (Math 2531). Includes reviewing Calculus 2.
- When: Thursday, August 15, 2024. 10 AM - 12 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (Albuquerque Main Campus in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- More info:
- Topics covered:
- Inverse function theorem
- Derivative of exponential, log, inverse trig, and hyperbolic functions
- Integration by parts
- Solving trig integrals using appropriate trig identities
- Trig substitution, partial fraction decomposition
- Midpoint, trapezoid, and Simpson's rule
- Improper integrals
- Ordinary partial differential equations, separation of variables
- Limits of sequences and series
- Divergence, integral, comparison, and limit comparison tests
- Alternating series, absolute convergence, ratio, and root tests
- Power and Taylor series, properties of power series, radius and interval of convergence
- Taylor's Inequality, error approximation
- Complex numbers, Euler's formula, polar form
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Come work on practice problems from the live sessions, or on additional practice problems provided in session.
- When: Thursday, August 15, 2024. 1 - 3 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (Albuquerque Main Campus in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- More info:
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Prepares students for General Chemistry 1 (Chem 1215)
- When: Friday, August 16, 2024. 10 AM - 12 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (Albuquerque Main Campus in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- More info: FLYER.
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Prepares students for calculus-based Physics 1 (Phys 1310)
- When: Friday, August 16, 2024. 1 - 3 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (Albuquerque Main Campus in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- More info:
- Provide feedback and gain access to a general knowledge exam to even better prepare you for the 1st exam (and potentially beyond) in your course.
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Student Bash & Find Your Pack - Network with others with similar interested, and see what the School of Engineering student organizations have to offer you while also just having a great type playing games and engaging in other activities to wrap up your first week of the semester.
- What: 1st & 2nd Year Student Event Series
- When: Friday, August 23, 2024. 2 - 5 PM. Food for attendees (first come)
- Where: Centennial Engineering Center - STAMM Room (1044) and adjacent courtyard
- More info:
- We believe that all members of the Engineering and Computing community should feel confident expressing "I am an Engineer/Computer Scientist." Whether you are an undergraduate who has just decided to join the major, or a senior researcher, you promote knowledge of engineering and computing concepts to the greater public and are a valuable asset to the the School of Engineering. Your outside interests help make you who you are and contribute to your success. Read about some examples with our Student Showcases.
- Create products that represent them as an Engineer or Computer Scientists either on-site or bring something with you to add to the display.
- We will have post-it notes, paper, colored pencils, markers, large rolls of paper for larger images, and even playdough or modeling clay for sculpting.
- Can't make the event or want to see what others created? We will have the products displayed in the ESS hallway (CENT 2080).
- Speak with representatives from some of the SOE student organizations.
- Play yard games and other activities with your fellow students.
- RSVP preferred ( HERE) but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Lab safety matters! - Join us for a 3 part series that will prepare you for lab work, or make you a more valuable lab mate. Attend, one, two, or all three*.
- What: Lab Safety Series
- When: Every other Tuesday from 3:30 - 4:30 PM.
- Where: Virtual via Zoom (
- Topics (Attend all 3 and earn a Lab Safety Certificate from Environmental Health & Safety) :
- 8/27/24 : Part 1 - Hazard Communication & Hazard Evaluation ( HERE)
- See September, October, and November for additional parts and additional offerings of Part 1.
- Partners/Presenters: Environmental Health & Safety
- More info: FLYER.
- RSVP is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder. ( Above for each session.)
- Resumes and Cover Letters
- What: Career and Professional Development Event
- When: Wednesday, August 28, 2024. 4 - 5 PM .
- Where: Synchronous in-person (in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- Presenter: ESS's very own Nada Abdelhack - Job & Internship Coordinator
- More info: FLYER.
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred to help us have a head count for food, but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
In the works:
- ACED Tech Skills Session. Title: TBD - Advisory Council for Engineering Development (ACED) was created to help UNM students gain quality, industry-level soft skills training and vital work skills that were not observed to be formally taught in the current UNM SoE curriculum. Read more at our ACED web page.
- What: Career and Professional Development Event
- When: Specific semester dates & times TBD. These are held on Saturdays, 9 - 11 AM MST.
- Where: Zoom
- Partners/Presenters: UNM Engineering alumnus
- More info about ACED: FLYER
- Mentoring. Internships. Research.
- What: Semester Long Programs
- Fall Deadlines: September 5.
- More info:
- Mentoring: Be a peer-mentor. Get a STEM professional as a mentor. MORE INFO.
- Program orientation session required for both opportunities.
- Internships. MORE INFO.
- Research: Student Research Experience Program. SoE UNITY. MORE INFO.
- Program orientation session required for the Student Research Experience.
- Lab safety matters! - Join us for a 3 part series that will prepare you for lab work, or make you a more valuable lab mate. Attend, one, two, or all three*.
- What: Lab Safety Series
- When: Every other Tuesday from 3:30 - 4:30 PM.
- Where: Virtual via Zoom (
- Topics (Attend all 3 and earn a Lab Safety Certificate from Environmental Health & Safety) :
- 9/10/24 : Part 2 - Hierarchy of Controls & Basics of PPE ( HERE)
- 9/24/24: Part 3 - Chemical Waste Management ( coming soon)
- See August, October, and November for additional parts and additional offerings of Part 2 & 3.
- Partners/Presenters: Environmental Health & Safety
- More info: FLYER.
- RSVP is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder. (A bove for each session.)
- Graduate School Preparation & Funding - Getting in, surviving & thriving and being successful within Graduate School
- What: Career and Professional Development Event
- When: Thursday, September 5, 2024. 5 - 6 PM. Food provided for attendees.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (in the Stamm Commons [CENT 1044]) and virtual via Zoom (
- Partners/Presenters: Dr. Kenneth Armijo, Sandia National Labs and UNM Alumnus
- More info: FLYER.
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Industry Networking Social - Come network with others interested in STEM, including STEM Professionals and Mentors, as well as Industry Representatives. This event is open to all UNM students, as well as UNM staff and faculty, along with NM STEM Professionals. This is an opportunity to network with our STEM Mentors, Professionals, and Industry Partners in a dynamic and relaxed ambiance.
- What: Career and Professional Development Event
- When: Tuesday, September 10, 2024. 5 - 8 PM.
- 5 - 5:45 PM will be in the ESS Suite and focus on providing a space for participants in our STEM Mentoring Program to meet up with their matches as our STEM Mixer.
- 6 - 8 PM will expand to include Industry Networking with representatives from various local companies ( hors d'oeuvres served)
- If you are a company representative interested in participating in this event, please RSVP HERE.
- Where: Centennial Engineering Center - STAMM Room (1044) & the adjacent courtyard
- More info:
- An evening of career networking and hors d'oeuvres!
- Business casual dress is encouraged and don't forget to bring your Resumes.
- Have THESE Conversation Starter questions ready to help get the conversation flowing.
- How to Go From Small talk to Meaningful Conversation…in a comfortable and natural way. Follow your curiosity. Think of dialog as exponential, break past the barrier of “boxes” within 3 layers deep. Don’t bounce from topic to topic, but dive deeper within a single topic. The topic of conversation does not matter, it should be focused on the process of the conversation. And, listen (intentionally)! Not just to words, but actions. Reflect on what others share. And, with this, it is ok to stretch outside your comfort zone.
- For off campus attendees who need parking options:THIS is where the event will take place and THIS is a map of the pay stations around campus, and there is a private paid lot across University from our building at 1703 Copper Ave NE, Albuquerque, NM 87106.
- Attendee RSVP (UNM students, staff, & faculty; HERE) is HIGHLY encouraged (helps us have a good head-count for the food) but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Industry/Company RSVP is REQUIRED by 9 AM, Friday, September 6, 2024 ( HERE). Questions? Please contact Nada Abdelhack at
- Engineering & Science Job & Internship Fair
- What: Career and Professional Development Event
- When: Wednesday, September 11, 2024. Time 10 AM - 2 PM.
- Where: UNM Student Union Bldg Ballrooms
- Partners/Presenters: ESS Center supports Career Services in this event
- More info:
- RSVP via UNM Handshake.
- Improve Your Study Skills - Come learn some STUDY HACKS to see how you can turn your current habits into effective studying to conquer your classes and beyond. Topics include Information Recall, Anti-Cramming, and The Test Cycle. Read more at
- What: 1st & 2nd Year Student Event Series
- When: September 16, 2024. 4 - 5 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- Partners/Presenters: CTL - Undergraduate Support (prev. CAPS)
- More info: FLYER.
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Manage Your Time - and the effects on stress and test anxiety.
- What: 1st & 2nd Year Student Event Series
- When: Friday, September 27, 2024. 3 - 4 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- Partners/Presenters: SHAC - Traye Holland
- More info: FLYER.
- RSVP ( HERE) is not required but is preferred and is a great way to get a 1 week before and the day before reminders.
- Intro to Python - a 2-Part hands-on workshop
- What: 1st & 2nd Year Student Event Series
- When: PART 1 - Monday, September 30, 2024. 4 - 6 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- Partners/Presenters: UNM Libraries - Jon Wheeler
- More info:
- Flyer.
- Attending BOTH sessions, or only Part 1 is preferable.
- If you plan to use your own laptop, please install the Anaconda Python distribution ahead of time (
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
In the works:
- ACED Tech Skills Session. Title: TBD - Advisory Council for Engineering Development (ACED) was created to help UNM students gain quality, industry-level soft skills training and vital work skills that were not observed to be formally taught in the current UNM SoE curriculum. Read more at our ACED web page.
- What: Career and Professional Development Event
- When: Specific semester dates & times TBD. These are held on Saturdays, 9 - 11 AM MST.
- Where: Zoom
- Partners/Presenters: UNM Engineering alumnus
- More info about ACED: FLYER
- What is the Conference?- Are you a new researcher looking to present on your research, but need some help understanding conferences? Attend this workshop to learn about the structure of conferences the expectations for turning your paper into an effective presentation. We will discuss expectations for conference panels, managing technology and other issues, and strategies for engaging with comments and critiques during the event, among other things. The workshop will emphasize practical tips and we encourage you to bring your questions and concerns! Following the presentation, students will have the opportunity to put tips into practice in a workshop setting driven by individual interest, which can include: editing, seeking feedback on, and sharing ideas or concerns about presentations with the help of instructors and peer attendees.
- What: Making Better Presentations Series
- When: Tuesday, October 1, 2024, 12:30 - 1:30 PM - PIZZA INCLUDED!
- Where: Synchronous in-person ( Centennial Science and Engineering Library (CSEL) - DEN 2) and virtual via Zoom (
- Partners/Presenters: Jairo Marshall with the GRC.
- More info:
- Check October below for additional topics in this series.
- RSVP ( HERE) is encouraged (helps us have a good head-count for the food) but not required.
- Intro to Python - a 2-Part hands-on workshop
- What: 1st & 2nd Year Student Event Series
- When: PART 2 - Wednesday, October 2, 2024. 4 - 6 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- Partners/Presenters: UNM Libraries - Jon Wheeler
- More info:
- Flyer.
- Attending BOTH sessions, or only Part 1 is preferable.
- If you plan to use your own laptop, please install the Anaconda Python distribution ahead of time (
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Graduate & Professional School Fair
- When: Thursday, October 3, 2024. 10 AM - 2 PM.
- Where: SUB Ballrooms
- Presented by: Career Services
- More info is on the Career Services website:
- Lab safety matters! - Join us for a 3 part series that will prepare you for lab work, or make you a more valuable lab mate. Attend, one, two, or all three*.
- What: Lab Safety Series
- When: Every other Tuesday from 3:30 - 4:30 PM.
- Where: Virtual via Zoom (
- Topics (Attend all 3 and earn a Lab Safety Certificate from Environmental Health & Safety) :
- Partners/Presenters: Environmental Health & Safety
- More info: FLYER coming soon .
- RSVP is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder. (A bove for each session.)
- Designing & Developing Presentations - Attend this workshop to learn actionable strategies to maximize the impact of your presentations. The event will begin with a talk focused on how to present your research in context, create engaging visual slide or poster components to enhance your message, and tools that can help. Following the presentation, students will have the opportunity to put tips into practice in a workshop setting driven by individual interest, which can include: editing, seeking feedback on, and sharing ideas about presentation drafts with the help of instructors and peer attendees. Attendees are encouraged to bring personal laptops and presentation materials for hands-on editing and/or practice. Laptops are also available for checkout at the library circulation desk.
- What: Making Better Presentations Series
- When: Tuesday, October 15, 2024. 12:30 - 1:30 PM - PIZZA INCLUDED!
- Where: Synchronous in-person ( Centennial Science and Engineering Library (CSEL) - DEN 2) and virtual via Zoom (
- Partners/Presenters: UNM Librarians Lori Townsend and Amy Jankowski.
- More info:
- RSVP ( HERE) is encouraged (helps us have a good head-count for the food) but not required.
- Financial Fundamentals - Learn how to create and stick to a budget, overcome common money pitfalls, eliminate student debt fast, and set yourself up for financial success.
- What: 1st & 2nd Year Student Event Series
- When: Thursday, October 17, 2024. 4 - 5 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- Partners/Presenters: The Center for Financial Capability - Solomon Gbara
- More info: FLYER.
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred to help us have a head count for food, but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- School of Engineering Open House - If you are a current or potential School of Engineering student interested in any engineering or computing fields, we hope you join us! Learn about our degree programs, get research lab tours, connect with student organizations, and see what scholarship and financial aid is out there for you.
- When: Saturday, October 19, 2024. 11 AM - 2 PM.
- Where: Centennial Engineering Center on the UNM Main Campus
- More info:
- Questions? Contact Dara Smith at (505) 277-5846 or
- RSVP ( HERE) is not required but is a great way to get a calendar invite, as well as a 1 week before and the day before reminders.
- Resume Critique & Mock Interviews - with a STEM Professional
- What: Career and Professional Development Event
- When: Monday, October 21, 2024.4 - 7 PM - Food provided for participants.
- Between 4 and 7 pm
- 20 minute time slots
- Students - Walk-in's ONLY, so arrive early to lock in your spot in line.
- Where: In-Person with check-in at the ESS suite (CENT 2080; parking information for reviewers and interviewers will be provided in the time slot notification email)
- More info:
- Students:
- Please check-in at the ESS Suite (CENT 2080) front desk to be assigned your time slot and reviewer/interviewer. These are assigned on a first-come basis and you MUST be present to be assigned a slot.
- Common courtesy is a MUST. Make sure to thank your reviewer/interviewer.
- Resumes Critique:
- You MUST bring your own resume to be reviewed by a STEM Professional to the event. If you need to print it on-site, please do NOT check in until you've printed it and are ready to go.
- Mock Interviews:
- Treat this as a real interview to maximize this experience.
- Dress appropriately. Business to business-casual is recommended.
- Review the mock job posting scenario prior to arrival (HERE) or, bring a job posting of your choice.
- What does Business Casual even look like? Check out our presentation to help you out ( HERE)
- Resume Reviewers:
- Students will provide their resume upon arrival.
- Provide feedback on both first impressions and a deeper dive as time permits.
- Mock Interviewers:
- Interviewers will receive 1 copy of the scenario ( HERE; although students are allowed to bring in their own job postings, too) and appropriate mock interview questions for EACH student.
- The interview sheet should be given to students at the close of the mock interview.
- Timeline for Reviewers & Interviewers:
- RSVP is REQUIRED ( HERE). Deadline : Tuesday, October 15, 2024 at 9 AM.
- Time slot notification: Thursday, October 17, 2024. Close of Business.
- Confirmation/acceptance of assigned time slot: Monday, October 21, 2024 at 12 PM.
- Student RSVP ( HERE) is for a calendar reminder, and a 1 week and 1 day before reminder email .
- Data Visualization - Are you looking for creative and effective ways to share or visualize data? Attend this workshop to learn about the basic principles of presenting data in slide or poster presentations, effective strategies to visualize your data for comprehension and impact, and tools that can help. Following the presentation, students will have the opportunity to put tips into practice in a workshop setting driven by individual interest, which can include: editing and seeking feedback on data visualization drafts, sharing ideas, and testing out data visualization tools with the help of instructors and peer attendees. Attendees are encouraged to bring personal laptops and presentation materials for hands-on editing and/or practice. Laptops are also available for checkout at the library circulation desk.
- What: Making Better Presentations Series
- When: Tuesday, October 22, 2024, 12:30 - 1:30 PM - PIZZA INCLUDED!
- Where: Synchronous in-person ( Centennial Science and Engineering Library (CSEL) - DEN 2) and virtual via Zoom (
- Partners/Presenters: UNM Librarians Holly Surbaugh and Jon Wheeler.
- More info: FLYER.
- RSVP ( HERE) is encouraged (helps us have a good head-count for the food) but not required.
- Delivering Presentations- Do you get nervous about presenting or do you want to know how to prepare to effectively deliver your oral or poster presentation? Attend this interactive workshop to learn about what it takes to orally deliver both oral and poster presentations effectively and with confidence. This session will help presenters in the personal preparation, comfort with presenting, and the constructive feedback process.
- What: Making Better Presentations Series
- When: Tuesday, October 29, 2024, 12:30 - 1:30 PM - PIZZA INCLUDED!
- Where: Synchronous in-person ( Centennial Science and Engineering Library (CSEL) - DEN 2) and virtual via Zoom (
- Partners/Presenters: ESS's very own Yadéeh Sawyer.
- More info: FLYER.
- RSVP ( HERE) is encouraged (helps us have a good head-count for the food) but not required.
- Lab safety matters! - Join us for a 3 part series that will prepare you for lab work, or make you a more valuable lab mate. Attend, one, two, or all three*.
- What: Lab Safety Series
- When: Every other Tuesday from 3:30 - 4:30 PM.
- Where: Virtual via Zoom (
- Topics (Attend all 3 and earn a Lab Safety Certificate from Environmental Health & Safety) :
- 11/5/24: Part 3 - Chemical Waste Management ( HERE)
- See August, September, and October for additional parts and additional offerings of Part 1, 2 & 3.
- Partners/Presenters: Environmental Health & Safety
- More info: FLYER.
- RSVP is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder. (A bove for each session.)
- How to make the most of your learning, even with "bad" teachers
- What: 1st & 2nd Year Student Event Series
- When: November 4, 2024. 4 - 5 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- Partners/Presenters: CTL Learning Strategies Team
- More info: FLYER.
- RSVP ( HERE) but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- How to Learn from Failure
- What: 1st & 2nd Year Student Event Series
- When: Thursday, November 14, 2024. 4 - 5 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- Presenter: SHAC's Traye Holland
- More info: FLYER
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Leadership in Engineering
- What: Career and Professional Development Event
- When: Tuesday, November 19, 2024. 5 - 6 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- Partners/Presenters: Lilian Casias, PhD Electrical engineering from UNM and Senior Engineer at Sandia National Laboratories
- In 1996, Lilian’s parents moved to the United States from Mexico to seek a better future. They lived in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where Lilian attended elementary, middle and high school, while her father worked as an electrician and mother as a baker. From a young age, she would spend time with her father after school watching him work, she became fascinated by electrical systems. During high school, this interest blossomed when members of the Hispanic Engineering and Science Organization (HESO) at The University of New Mexico (UNM) spent time with her class to mentor students and encourage them to pursue careers in engineering. This experience had an enormous impact on her and led to her entrance to UNM and majoring in electrical engineering. Lilian graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering in 2008 while also actively participating in organizations such as Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical Engineering Honor Society), Tau Beta Pi (Engineering Honor Society), Phi Eta Sigma (National Honor Society), and the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). Lilian was president of HESO (which is a joint SHPE and MAES organizations) for 2 years during her undergraduate studies and was the outreach coordinator for another 2 years.
Lilian graduated summa cum laude with a Master of Science in Electrical Engineering (MSEE) with a focus in optoelectronics in the spring of 2015. In graduate school she found her true calling and completed a Doctorate in Electrical Engineering in May of 2019 with a GPA of 3.9. In her graduate studies, she worked at UNM’s Center for High Technology Materials (CHTM), at the Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT) and the Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) where she has been involved in the study of novel infrared sensor materials. Her research led to a dissertation topic on the Transport of Mid-Wavelength Infrared (MWIR) n-type and p-type InAs and InAs/InAsSb Type-II Strained Layered Superlattices (T2SLs). Due to its important application to MWIR imaging technology for defense applications, this topic is of interest to leading experts in this field at Sandia National Labs, U. S. Naval Research Laboratory (NRL), Office of Naval Research (ONR), Air Force Research Labs (AFRL) and Army Research Office (ARO). Therefore, having the opportunity to use her research to make an impact in national security while polishing her leadership skills has been invaluable. Lilian is currently working as a senior engineer at Sandia National Laboratories where she is leading a few remote sensing projects and hopes to keep mentoring students through Engineering Student Services (ESS) and National Science Foundation (NSF).
- In 1996, Lilian’s parents moved to the United States from Mexico to seek a better future. They lived in Albuquerque, New Mexico, where Lilian attended elementary, middle and high school, while her father worked as an electrician and mother as a baker. From a young age, she would spend time with her father after school watching him work, she became fascinated by electrical systems. During high school, this interest blossomed when members of the Hispanic Engineering and Science Organization (HESO) at The University of New Mexico (UNM) spent time with her class to mentor students and encourage them to pursue careers in engineering. This experience had an enormous impact on her and led to her entrance to UNM and majoring in electrical engineering. Lilian graduated cum laude with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering in 2008 while also actively participating in organizations such as Eta Kappa Nu (Electrical Engineering Honor Society), Tau Beta Pi (Engineering Honor Society), Phi Eta Sigma (National Honor Society), and the Society of Women Engineers (SWE). Lilian was president of HESO (which is a joint SHPE and MAES organizations) for 2 years during her undergraduate studies and was the outreach coordinator for another 2 years.
- More info:
- With an interactive presentation/conversation, Lilian will review the skills of how to become an effective engineering leader while attending college. She will share her leadership experiences at UNM and describe how you can develop a leadership skillset that can be applied to your engineering career.
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Mentoring. Internships. Research.
- What: Semester Long Programs
- Spring 2024 Deadlines: February 5.
- More info:
- Mentoring: Be a peer-mentor. Get a STEM professional as a mentor. MORE INFO.
- Program orientation session required for both opportunities.
- Internships. MORE INFO.
- Research: Student Research Experience Program. SoE UNITY. MORE INFO.
- Program orientation session required for the Student Research Experience.
- Pre-Semester Prep Workshops ( FLYER) : These interactive workshops will review all foundational material leading up to the specified course so you are better equipped to hit the ground running.
- What: Pre-Semester Prep Series
- + Additionally, attend our Physics 1, Pre-Calc/Trig, Calc 1, or Calc 2 prep sessions and provide feedback for access to a general knowledge exam to even better prepare you for the first exam (and potentially beyond) within your course.
- Partners/Presenters: ESS Center and CAPS
- Where: Synchronous in-person (in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- RSVP is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder. RSVP for EACH desired session below.
- Courses/Sessions offered:
- Prepares students for College Algebra (Math 1215 and 1220).
- When: Monday, January 13, 2025. 10 AM - 12 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (Albuquerque Main Campus in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- More info:
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Prepares students for Trigonometry & Pre-Calculus (ENG 120, MATH 1230, 1240 & 1250). Includes reviewing college algebra.
- When: Monday, January 13, 2025. 1 - 3 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (Albuquerque Main Campus in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- More info:
- Provide feedback and gain access to a general knowledge exam to even better prepare you for the 1st exam (and potentially beyond) in your course.
- Topics covered:
- Solving linear equations, system of linear equations, and inequalities
- Linear functions, their graphs, and their interpretation as a rate of change
- Piecewise functions, algebra of functions, function composition, difference quotient of functions
- Quadratic functions
- Polynomial functions, rational functions, and inequalities involving them
- Long and synthetic division of polynomials
- Inverse functions, and the criteria necessary for a function to have an inverse
- Exponential functions and their properties
- Log functions and their properties
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Prepares students for Calculus I (Math 1430 and 1512). Includes reviewing pre-calculus and trigonometry.
- When: Tuesday, January 14, 2025. 10 AM - 12 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (Albuquerque Main Campus in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- More info:
- Provide feedback and gain access to a general knowledge exam to even better prepare you for the 1st exam (and potentially beyond) in your course.
- Topics covered:
- Ellipses
- Hyperbolas
- System of non-linear equations
- Unit circle, trig functions, and their graphs
- Inverse trig functions and their graphs
- Law of sines and cosines
- Trig identities, addition/subtraction formulas, double/half angle formulas
- Solving trig equations
- Parametric equations, complex numbers, polar form
- Vectors, dot product
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Prepares students for Calculus II (Math 1440 and 1522). Includes reviewing Calculus I.
- When: Wednesday, January 15, 2025. 10 AM - 12 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (Albuquerque Main Campus in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- More info:
- Provide feedback and gain access to a general knowledge exam to even better prepare you for the 1st exam (and potentially beyond) in your course.
- Topics covered:
- Numerical and graphical explanation of limit
- Formal definition of limit, limit properties, limit at infinity, L'Hopital's Rule
- Using limits to determine vertical, horizontal, and slant asymptotes of rational functions
- Determining whether a function is continuous
- Definition of derivative, linear properties of the derivative
- Product rule, quotient rule, and chain rule
- Derivative of trig and exponential functions
- Derivative as a rate of change, implicit differentiation
- Related rates
- Maxima and minima, Mean Value Theorem
- Using the 1st and 2nd derivatives to graph the original function
- Optimization, Extreme Value Theorem, linear approximation using differentials
- Reimann sums, definite integrals, Fundamental Theorem of Calculus 1 and 2
- Properties of integrals, substitution
- Area between curves, volume of solids of revolution, length of curves
- RSVP( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Prepares students for Calculus III (Math 2531). Includes reviewing Calculus 2.
- When: Thursday, January 16, 2025. 10 AM - 12 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (Albuquerque Main Campus in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- More info:
- Topics covered:
- Inverse function theorem
- Derivative of exponential, log, inverse trig, and hyperbolic functions
- Integration by parts
- Solving trig integrals using appropriate trig identities
- Trig substitution, partial fraction decomposition
- Midpoint, trapezoid, and Simpson's rule
- Improper integrals
- Ordinary partial differential equations, separation of variables
- Limits of sequences and series
- Divergence, integral, comparison, and limit comparison tests
- Alternating series, absolute convergence, ratio, and root tests
- Power and Taylor series, properties of power series, radius and interval of convergence
- Taylor's Inequality, error approximation
- Complex numbers, Euler's formula, polar form
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Come work on practice problems from the live sessions, or on additional practice problems provided in session.
- When: Thursday, January 16, 2025. 1 - 3 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (Albuquerque Main Campus in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- More info:
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Prepares students for General Chemistry 1 (Chem 1215)
- When: Friday, January 17, 2025. 10 AM - 12 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (Albuquerque Main Campus in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- More info: FLYER.
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Prepares students for calculus-based Physics 1 (Phys 1310)
- When: Friday, January 17, 2025. 1 - 3 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (Albuquerque Main Campus in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- More info:
- Provide feedback and gain access to a general knowledge exam to even better prepare you for the 1st exam (and potentially beyond) in your course.
- RSVP ( HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
The Spring 2025 Semester starts Tuesday, January 21, 2025.
- Student Bash & Find Your Pack - Network with others with similar interested, and see what the School of Engineering student organizations have to offer you while also just having a great type playing games and engaging in other activities to wrap up your first week of the semester.
- What: 1st & 2nd Year Student Event Series
- When: Friday, January 24, 2025. 2 - 5 PM. Food for attendees (first come)
- Where: Centennial Engineering Center - STAMM Room (1044) and adjacent courtyard
- More info:
- We believe that all members of the Engineering and Computing community should feel confident expressing "I am an Engineer/Computer Scientist." Whether you are an undergraduate who has just decided to join the major, or a senior researcher, you promote knowledge of engineering and computing concepts to the greater public and are a valuable asset to the the School of Engineering. Your outside interests help make you who you are and contribute to your success. Read about some examples with our Student Showcases.
- Speak with representatives from some of the SOE student organizations.
- Play yard games and other activities with your fellow students.
- RSVP preferred ( HERE) but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Lab safety matters! - Join us for a 3 part series that will prepare you for lab work, or make you a more valuable lab mate. Attend, one, two, or all three*.
- What: Lab Safety Series
- When: Every other Tuesday from 3:30 - 4:30 PM.
- Where: Virtual via Zoom (
- Topics (Attend all 3 and earn a Lab Safety Certificate from Environmental Health & Safety) :
- 1/28/25: Part 1 - Hazard Communication & Hazard Evaluation (HERE)
- See February, March, and April for additional parts and additional offerings of Part 1.
- Partners/Presenters: Environmental Health & Safety
- More info: FLYER.
- RSVP is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder ( above for each session).
- Building Connection & Networking "Connecting to Your Values"
- What: Career and Professional Development Event
- When: Thursday, January 30, 2025. 4 - 5 PM. Food provided for in-person participants.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- Presenter: Dr. Jasmine Del Campo with Sandia National Labs
- Jasmine Del Campo an Organizational Development Professional with Sandia National Laboratories. Jasmine has 15 years of leadership experience supporting current and future leaders of Fortune 500 companies to understand the importance of leading through effective communication. Jasmine specializes in bringing people together to increase team efficiencies and collaboration. Jasmine believes that it is possible to work hard and enjoy work when you find your purpose and help others. Jasmine is inspired by her family and in her free time she enjoys watching funny videos with her daughter.
- More info:
- The pandemic over the past years created additional barriers to communicate with each other. The good news is that we can learn how to break through these barriers and have powerful conversations with each other. During this event you will learn how to build connections/networking with emotional intelligence with your personal and professional life.
- RSVP (HERE) is preferred to help us have a head count for food, but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Mentoring. Internships. Research.
- What: Semester Long Programs
- Spring 2023 Deadlines: February 5.
- More info:
- Mentoring: Be a peer-mentor. Get a STEM professional as a mentor. MORE INFO.
- Program orientation session required for both opportunities.
- Internships. MORE INFO.
- Research: Student Research Experience Program. SoE UNITY. MORE INFO.
- Program orientation session required for the Student Research Experience.
- STEM Mixer - Come network with others interested in STEM, including fellow students and NM STEM Professionals. The focus of this event is mentorship and connection.
- What: Career and Professional Development Event
- When: Friday, February 7, 2025. 3:30 - 5:30 pm.
- Where: Centennial Engineering Center - STAMM Room (1044)
- More info:FLYER.
- Have THESE Conversation Starter questions ready to help get the conversation flowing.
- How to Go From Small talk to Meaningful Conversation…in a comfortable and natural way. Follow your curiosity. Think of dialog as exponential, break past the barrier of “boxes” within 3 layers deep. Don’t bounce from topic to topic, but dive deeper within a single topic. The topic of conversation does not matter, it should be focused on the process of the conversation. And, listen (intentionally)! Not just to words, but actions. Reflect on what others share. And, with this, it is ok to stretch outside your comfort zone.
- For off campus attendees who need parking options: THIS is where the event will take place and THIS is a map of the pay stations around campus, and know there is also inexpensive and convenient parking available in the Central Methodists Church parking lot directly west across the street from Centennial Engineering Center.
- RSVP (HERE) is preferred (helps us have a good head-count for the food) but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Lab safety matters! - Join us for a 3 part series that will prepare you for lab work, or make you a more valuable lab mate. Attend, one, two, or all three*.
- What: Lab Safety Series
- When: Every other Tuesday from 3:30 - 4:30 PM.
- Where: Virtual via Zoom (
- Topics (Attend all 3 and earn a Lab Safety Certificate from Environmental Health & Safety) :
- Partners/Presenters: Environmental Health & Safety
- More info: FLYER.
- RSVP is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder ( above for each session).
- How to make the most of your learning, even with "bad" teachers
- What: 1st & 2nd Year Student Event Series
- When: Thursday, February 13, 2025. 3:30 - 4:30 PM. Snacks provided for in-person participants.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- Partners/Presenters: CTL Learning Strategies Team
- More info: FLYER.
- RSVP (HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Manage Your Time - and the effects on stress and test anxiety.
- What: 1st & 2nd Year Student Event Series
- When: Thursday, February 20, 2025. 3:30 - 4:30 PM. Snacks provided for in-person participants.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- Partners/Presenters: SHAC
- More info: FLYER.
- RSVP (HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- JEADI Summit - Two days of action-oriented discussions centered on JEADI in the School of Engineering
- Who: SoE faculty, staff, students and post-docs are all invited and encouraged to attend
- When:
- Thursday, February 27, 2025. 12:30 - 7 PM.
- Friday, February 28, 2025. 1 - 5 PM.
- Where: Centennial Engineering Center (STAMM Room - 1044)
- More info:
- Attend the first annual School of Engineering Justice, Equity, Accessibility, Diversity and Inclusion Summit. Events will include panels, break-out discussions, a campus resource and support fair, a keynote dinner and more!
- Additional details coming soon.
- RSVP (HERE) is preferred and puts you first in line for food. RSVP will also get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- What is the Conference?- Are you a new researcher looking to present on your research, but need some help understanding conferences? Attend this workshop to learn about the structure of conferences the expectations for turning your paper into an effective presentation. We will discuss expectations for conference panels, managing technology and other issues, and strategies for engaging with comments and critiques during the event, among other things. The workshop will emphasize practical tips and we encourage you to bring your questions and concerns! Following the presentation, students will have the opportunity to put tips into practice in a workshop setting driven by individual interest, which can include: editing, seeking feedback on, and sharing ideas or concerns about presentations with the help of instructors and peer attendees.
- What: Pizza & Presentation Skills Series
- When: Tuesday, March 4, 2025. 11 AM - 12 PM - PIZZA INCLUDED!
- Where: Synchronous in-person (Zimmerman Library - B30) and virtual via Zoom (
- Partners/Presenters: Jairo Marshall with the GRC.
- More info:
- Check March & April below for additional topics in this series.
- RSVP (HERE) is encouraged (helps us have a good head-count for the food) but not required.
- Improve Your Study Skills - Come learn some STUDY HACKS to see how you can turn your current habits into effective studying to conquer your classes and beyond. Topics include Information Recall, Anti-Cramming, and The Test Cycle. Read more at
- What: 1st & 2nd Year Student Event Series
- When: Thursday, March 6, 2025. 3:30 - 4:30 PM. Snacks provided for participants.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- Partners/Presenters: CAPS (now CTL Undergraduate Support)
- More info: FLYER.
- Approximate times of information presented:
- 1st 15 minutes. Anti-Cramming
- 2nd 15 minutes. Information Recall
- 3rd 15 minutes. The Test Cycle
- 4th 15 minutes. Study Plan
- Approximate times of information presented:
- RSVP (HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Designing & Developing Presentations - Attend this workshop to learn actionable strategies to maximize the impact of your presentations. The event will begin with a talk focused on how to present your research in context, create engaging visual slide or poster components to enhance your message, and tools that can help. Following the presentation, students will have the opportunity to put tips into practice in a workshop setting driven by individual interest, which can include: editing, seeking feedback on, and sharing ideas about presentation drafts with the help of instructors and peer attendees. Attendees are encouraged to bring personal laptops and presentation materials for hands-on editing and/or practice. Laptops are also available for checkout at the library circulation desk.
- What: Pizza & Presentation Skills Series
- When: Tuesday, March 11, 2025. 11 AM - 12 PM - PIZZA INCLUDED!
- Where: Synchronous in-person (Zimmerman Library - B30) and virtual via Zoom (
- Partners/Presenters: UNM Librarians Lori Townsend and Amy Jankowski.
- More info:
- Check March & April for additional topics in this series.
- RSVP (HERE) is encouraged (helps us have a good head-count for the food) but not required.
- Lab safety matters! - Join us for a 3 part series that will prepare you for lab work, or make you a more valuable lab mate. Attend, one, two, or all three*.
- What: Lab Safety Series
- When: Every other Tuesday from 3:30 - 4:30 PM.
- Where: Virtual via Zoom (
- Topics (Attend all 3 and earn a Lab Safety Certificate from Environmental Health & Safety) :
- Partners/Presenters: Environmental Health & Safety
- More info: FLYER.
- RSVP is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and week before and day before email reminders (above for each session).
- Resumes and Cover Letters
- What: Career and Professional Development Event
- When: Thursday, March 13, 2025. 4 - 5 PM. Food provided for in-person participants.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- Presenter: ESS's very own Nada Abdelhack - Job & Internship Coordinator
- More info: FLYER.
- RSVP (HERE) is preferred to help us have a head count for food, but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Data Visualization - Are you looking for creative and effective ways to share or visualize data? Attend this workshop to learn about the basic principles of presenting data in slide or poster presentations, effective strategies to visualize your data for comprehension and impact, and tools that can help. Following the presentation, students will have the opportunity to put tips into practice in a workshop setting driven by individual interest, which can include: editing and seeking feedback on data visualization drafts, sharing ideas, and testing out data visualization tools with the help of instructors and peer attendees. Attendees are encouraged to bring personal laptops and presentation materials for hands-on editing and/or practice. Laptops are also available for checkout at the library circulation desk.
- What: Pizza & Presentation Skills Series
- When: Tuesday, March 25, 2025. 11 AM - 12 PM - PIZZA INCLUDED!
- Where: Synchronous in-person (Zimmerman Library - B30) and virtual via Zoom (
- Partners/Presenters: UNM Librarians Holly Surbaugh and Jon Wheeler.
- More info:
- Check March and April for additional topics in this series.
- RSVP (HERE) is encouraged (helps us have a good head-count for the food) but not required. RSVP will get you week before and day before email reminders.
- Interviewing Basics - Help eliminate some of those pre-interviewing jitters by attending this informational session.
- What: Career and Professional Development Event
- When: Thursday, March 27, 2025. 4 - 5 PM. Food provided for in-person participants.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- Presenter: ESS's very own Nada Abdelhack - Job & Internship Coordinator
- More info: Flyer.
- RSVP (HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Delivering Presentations- Do you get nervous about presenting or do you want to know how to prepare to effectively deliver your oral or poster presentation? Attend this interactive workshop to learn about what it takes to orally deliver both oral and poster presentations effectively and with confidence. This session will help presenters in the personal preparation, comfort with presenting, and the constructive feedback process.
- What: Pizza & Presentation Skills Series
- When: Tuesday, April 1, 2025. 11 AM - 12 PM - PIZZA INCLUDED!
- Where: Synchronous in-person (Zimmerman Library - B30) and virtual via Zoom (
- Partners/Presenters: ESS's very own Yadéeh Sawyer.
- More info:
- Check March for additional topics in this series.
- RSVP ( is encouraged (helps us have a good head-count for the food) but not required. RSVP will get you week before and day before email reminders.
- The Fundamentals of MATLAB - an introductory hands-on workshop
- What: 1st & 2nd Year Student Event Series
- When: Wednesday, April 2, 2025. 4 - 6 PM.
- Where: In-Person in the ESS suite - CENT 2080
- More info: FLYER.
- What you will gain:
- Learn the importance of MATLAB
- Comprehend programming etiquette
- Gain the basics to be independent and create more complex programs
- If you plan to use your own device, make sure you have MATLAB on your computer. This is available for free to UNM Students via
- What you will gain:
- RSVP (HERE) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Lab safety matters! - Join us for a 3 part series that will prepare you for lab work, or make you a more valuable lab mate. Attend, one, two, or all three*.
- What: Lab Safety Series
- When: Every other Tuesday from 3:30 - 4:30 PM.
- Where: Virtual via Zoom (
- Topics (Attend all 3 and earn a Lab Safety Certificate from Environmental Health & Safety) :
- 4/8/25: Part 3 - Chemical Waste Management (coming soon)
- See January, February, and March for additional parts and additional offerings of Part 3.
- Partners/Presenters: Environmental Health & Safety
- More info: FLYER.
- RSVP is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder ( above for each session).
- UROC (Undergraduate Research Opportunities Conference) - see what undergrads are researching here on campus.
- What: 1st & 2nd Year Student Event Series
- When: Friday, April 11, 2025. 9 AM - 5 PM.
- Where: UNM SUB Ballroom, 3rd floor rooms, and lower level Atrium.
- Partners/Presenters: UROC committee under the guidance of URAD.
- More info:
- No RSVP (HERE) needed, but if you do, we will send you an email reminder so you don't forget both 1 week and the day before.
- Basic Excel - this session will help make you more comfortable with Microsoft Excel© by introducing you to some basic functions that you can explore more in depth on your own, but not the only way to do things. We will cover the basics of entering data, all the way through graphing and equations, with many shortcuts and tips along the way.
- What: 1st & 2nd Year Student Event Series
- When: Thursday, April 17, 2025. 3:30 - 5:30 PM.
- Where: In-Person in the ESS suite - CENT 2080
- Partners/Presenters: ESS's very own Dr. Yadéeh Sawyer - 1st & 2nd Year Experience Manager
- More info:
- RSVP (coming soon) is preferred, but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Landing an Internship - Want to know the best time and strategies for landing your dream internship to kick-start your career? Come learn how.
- What: Career and Professional Development Event
- When: Thursday, April 24, 2025. 4 - 5 PM.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (in the ESS suite - CENT 2080) and virtual via Zoom (
- Presenter: ESS's very own Nada Abdelhack - Job & Internship Coordinator
- More info: FLYER.
- RSVP (coming soon) is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- So, What's Next? - Start-ups, patents, and publications
- What: Career and Professional Development Event
- When: Thursday, May 1, 2025 . 5 - 6:15 PM. Food provided for in-person attendees.
- Where: Synchronous in-person (STAMM Room - CENT 1044) and virtual via Zoom (
- Partners/Presenters: Dr. Kenneth Armijo, Sandia National Labs
- More info: FLYER
- RSVP (coming soon) is preferred to help with food count, but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, and a week before and day before email reminder.
- Engineering Expo - Join us to see what this year’s seniors have been up to in their Senior Capstone Projects!
- When: Friday, May 5, 2025. 1 - 5 PM.
- Where: Centennial Engineering Center
- 1 – 2 PM. Posters (STAMM; 1044)
- 2 – 3:30 PM. Pitches (Auditorium; 1041)
- 3:30 – 4 PM. Awards (Auditorium; 1041)
- Partners/Presenters: ESS's very own Dr. Yadéeh Sawyer - 1st & 2nd Year Experience Manager
- More info: FLYER
- No RSVP (coming soon) needed, but if you do, we will send you an email reminder so you don't forget both 1 week and the day before.
- Engineering Your Bridge to Success: Summer Bridge Sessions ( FLYER) : Nervous about starting at a University setting in the Fall? Want to feel confident entering your University courses? Then this opportunity is for you.
- What: Summer Bridge Sessions
- Partners/Presenters: ESS Center's very own Yadéeh Sawyer and Nada Abdelhack
- Where: Synchronous in-person (in the ESS suite - CENT 2080 - Albuquerque Main Campus) and virtual via Zoom ( All sessions start at 10 am MST and typically go until 11:15 am, with a few sessions lasting longer. See specific session information below.
- More info:
- Read all about it on the Engineering Your Bridge to Success webpage. The goal of these workshops are to provide students with foundational skills to better support them as they enter their first semester at UNM. Mastering these skills will equip students to handle challenges they may face upon entering the University setting.
- See August for additional sessions.
- RSVP is preferred but not required. RSVP will get you a calendar invite, as well as week before and day before email reminders. RSVP for EACH desired session below.
- Sessions offered (see August for additional sessions):
- Our intent for this session is to make adjusting to the University classroom setting and expectations a little easier.
- When: Monday, July 22, 2024. 10 AM - 11:15 AM.
- Our intent for this session is to help make your desire to go to tutoring increase, shift your reaction to the idea of a group project into a positive one, and motivate you to join or form a study group.
- When: Tuesday, July 23, 2024. 10 - 11:15 AM.
- Our intent for this session is to help you in all aspects of your life by giving you practical skills to make your time management more effective. There will be quite a few places for open discussion and sharing. There is no pressure to do so, but we encourage you to. As you share, others will relate and that open discussion can help give you other ideas, too.
- When: Wednesday, July 24, 2024. 10 - 11:15 AM.
- Our intent for this session is to teach you practical approaches you can take to make any change, growth, or accomplishment through goal setting. And, to give you an intro to understanding how to accomplish your goals by meeting your basic needs and understanding your personality types to better customize your action plans to achieve those goals.
- When: Thursday, July 25, 2024. 10 - 11:15 AM.
- Our intent for this session is to not only help see yourself as a competent and capable STEM person, but to help build your self-efficacy, which can make adjusting to the University classroom setting and expectations a little easier.
- When: Friday, July 26, 2024. 10 - 11:15 AM.
- Our intent for this session is to address how to talk to instructors, make the most out of those interactions, and generally professional communications, to make it less intimidating.
- When: Monday, July 29, 2024. 10 - 11:15 AM.
- Our intent for this session is to give you an idea of who we are and introduce you a bit more to what the fields within the School of Engineering are! Followed by Spatial Reasoning, also thought of as Visual Thinking, to expose you to the concept of spatial reasoning, the importance of it, and how to develop your spatial reasoning skills to make your journey as an engineer or computer scientist just a little easier.
- When: Tuesday, July 30, 2024. 10 - 11:15 AM.
- Our intent for this session is to help you be more self aware and to understand yourself in order to plan out career goals within the School of Engineering fields.
- When: Wednesday, July 31, 2024. 10 - 11:15 AM.
- Our intent for this session is to make adjusting to the University classroom setting and expectations a little easier.
If you are interested in a full version of the presentation with the script (as available), please reach email with the request.
- NM Space Grant - Scholarships and Fellowships - Friday, November 22, 2019. Time 2 - 3 pm.
- Lab safety matters! - This 3 part series prepares you for lab work, or make you a more valuable lab mate. Provided by UNM's Environmental Health & Safety department. - available on the Getting Started with Resource page under "Additional tips from ESS..."
Use our succESS app to RSVP and receive 1 week and day before reminders, but also check out our Outlook Calendar:
How to add the ESS Center Events calendar to your personal calendar:
Using Outlook Calendar:- Sign in to Outlook and navigate to the Calendar.
- In the navigation pane, select 'Import Calendar', then select 'From web'.
- Under 'Link to the calendar' copy and paste the following link:
- Under 'Calendar name' type 'ESS Events' or a name of your choice.
- Select 'Import'
- Sign in to Google and navigate to Google Calendar.
- On the left-side panel select '+' (next to 'Other calendars'), then select 'Subscribe to calendar'.
- In the left-side panel select 'From URL'
- Copy and paste the following link into the 'URL of calendar':
- Select 'Add calendar'
- You can edit the settings of the calendar to change its name and appearance.
- Open the Calendar app and choose 'File > New Calendar Subscription'.
- Copy and paste the following link as the calendar's web address:
- Select 'Subscribe'
- Enter 'ESS Events' in the Name field and set the Auto-refresh rate to 'Hourly' (or more often).
- Select 'OK'