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Peer-Mentoring Program

CherrySilver , & Turquoise Peer Mentoring Program - Be a peer-mentor.

We are looking for undergraduate (with at least 2 semesters completed at UNM) and graduate Engineering & Computer Science students.

"The SoE Peer Mentor program works on both the long and short term. And it’s made some pretty great memories for mentees and mentors alike." - Fermin (mentor)

Mentors are people who know something that you want to know. People are not born knowing how to become an undergraduate student exploring the University setting. People must learn how to become a university students, and learning is often easier with a teacher’s support. Mentors have already been through similar situations to what the students will go through and can help make the process easier.


The aims of the Peer Mentoring Program is to assist our incoming students in their transition into the University of New Mexico, the university setting, Albuquerque, and anything else that comes along with being an undergraduate with the rigorous programs within the School of Engineering at UNM. The objectives of this program are:

  • to become effectively integrated into the school, faculty and campus as a whole,
  • to articulate a sense of purpose about being at university and about pursuing their program of study,
  • to develop a support network with peers in their program of study and,
  • to acquire the necessary skills to become independent and life-long learners.

This is a great opportunity to connect with the new students, represent, and advocate for the School of Engineering, your Engineering or Computing department, Engineering Student Success Center, and UNM, establish a potentially lasting professional relationship, and get a valuable CV/Resume line that demonstrates service in the department.


  • CHERRY SEMESTERLY DEADLINES: February 5 and September 5.  Matches will be announced by the following Wednesday.
  • SILVER (Nuclear Engineering students ONLY) DEADLINE: April 1. Matches will be assigned for the approaching Summer/Fall before the end of the semester.
  • TURQUOISE (via GEO Lobo Friends with an international focus) SEMESTERLY DEADLINES: For best match results, submit application before July 15 for the Fall semester and November 15 for the Spring semester. 


Be the light for our new students. Help others learn from your experiences. Everyone has a different story and path, but we are all on the journey together.


PeerMentorPeer-Mentoring options:

This is a parallel program to the  STEM Mentoring program.  Undergraduate (with at least 2 semesters completed at UNM) and graduate Engineering & Computing students are assigned incoming students to make direct contact with and touch base throughout the semester. This allows there to a personal connection to somebody within the School of Engineering early on. The participation goal of this program is to eventually have enough mentors that we can pair all new students with a student mentor. And, to help with the transition into UNM.


All engagement options are available to sophomores and above (including graduate students). You are able to be a mentor in any combination of the color options, but each does have their own interest form and process. 

  • CHERRY - (join in either Fall or Spring) for all School of Engineering majors, one semester commitment at a time. Mentors will be assigned 5 new SoE students. See below for additional expectations.
    • Nuclear engineering students will be paired with transfer, re-admit students only for Fall semester. Spring pairing will include entering Spring freshmen.
    • All other SoE students will be paired with freshmen, transfer, or re-admit students.
  • SILVER - (join in Fall only) for Nuclear Engineering students, a 1 year (Fall/Spring) commitment at a time. Mentors will be assigned 2-3 Nuclear Engineering First year (Fall entry)-1st Semester students (freshmen). See below for additional expectations. 
  • TURQUOISE- (join in either Fall or Spring) is offered as the Lobo Friends mentorship program offered by the UNM Global Education Office to foster communication and friendship between U.S. and international students. Mentors will be assigned to an incoming international student and may request a mentee within the SoE or outside the SoE. Preferences will be taken into consideration but not guaranteed.


  • You must attend an orientation session to be assigned mentees (see "To Join the Program").
  • At a minimum, student mentors will reach out to their mentee at least once a month. More frequent communications is highly encouraged.
  • Mentors will set up face-to-face meetings with responsive mentees.
  • Engage in the mentoring relationship with an open mind. 
  • Commitments are for the current semester only. The opportunity to continue beyond the current semester is possible, but not required.
  • There is no GPA requirement for our mentors, but we expect your education and courses to take priority.
  • Your primary point of contact will be Yadéeh Sawyer:

**NOTE: Mentors volunteer, mentees are automatically entered into the pool of available mentees.**

  • You must attend a peer mentor training to be assigned mentees (see "To Join the Program").
  • At a minimum, student mentors will reach out to their mentee as determined by the peer mentoring agreement form.
  • Mentors will meet 1 on 1 each month with their mentees (can be 15-20 minutes’ coffee breaks, snack break, or in the lounge to study).
  • Engage in the mentoring relationship with an open mind.
  • Commitments are for the academic year both fall and spring.
  • There is a 3.00 GPA requirement for our mentors.
  • Mentors are also required to attend the Mentor/Mentee Match up and threeESS events with your mentee.
  • Provide social support to mentee and refer to campus recourses.
  • Your primary point of contact will be Krista Navarrette:

**NOTE: Mentors volunteer, mentees are automatically entered into the pool of available mentees.**

  • You must attend the Lobo Friend mentor orientation at the beginning of the semester.
  • You are encouraged to attend Lobo Friends and Global Education Office events.
  • Maintain regular communication with your Lobo Friend.
  • At a minimum, meet your Lobo Friend at least once a month. More meetings are highly encouraged.
  • Engage in the mentoring relationship with an open mind with a focus on international collaboration.
  • Commitments are for the current semester only. The opportunity to continue beyond the current semester is possible, but not required.
  • There is no GPA requirement for our mentors.
  • Your primary point of contact will be Andie Gudbergsson at

**NOTE: BOTH Mentors and Mentees volunteer for this program; Students may be matched with somebody who's major is outside of the School of Engineering, but both have an international focus.**

For students interested in the CHERRY option : You must complete boththis interest formAND a program orientation session (during the first 3 weeks of the semester; sessions listed in the interest form). Students will not be assigned mentees until both items are completed. 
For students Nuclear Engineering interested in the SILVER option : You must complete these 3 items: 1) this interest form, 2) this matching questionnaire, and 3) complete a Peer-Mentor training session (held Spring semester to prepare you to start engaging with your students in the Summer as they enter UNM in the Fall; sessions are scheduled based on mentor pool schedule availability). Students will not be assigned mentees until all items are completed.
For students interested in the  TURQUOISEoption: You must complete both this interest form AND a program orientation session. 
Please direct questions for the CHERRY option to Yadéeh Sawyer (, Krista Navarrette ( for the Nuclear Engineering  SILVER option, and Andrea Gudbergsson ( for the TURQUOISE option. 
CHERRY Documents

SILVER Documents

Documents for all mentors