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Incoming Student Summer Bridge Program

Engineering Your Bridge to Success


Nervous about starting at a University setting in the Fall? Want to feel confident entering your University courses? Then this opportunity is for you. 

The goal of these workshops are to provide students with foundational skills to better support them as they enter their first semester at UNM. Mastering these skills will equip students to handle challenges they may face upon entering the University setting.

SummerBridgeFlyerAll content will be provided as interactive synchronously hybrid (both in person on Main Campus and via Zoom) taught by our very own Yadéeh Sawyer, PhD & Nada AbdelHack, MA.


These sessions typically start 1 month before the start of the semester and are held daily M-F for 3 weeks from 10 - 11:30 AM MDT synchronously in-person in the Engineering Student Success Center - School of Engineering - Main Campus (CENT 2080; UNM Building #112) and via Zoom ( 


Want to be notified when the specific dates/session order are available? Please complete THIS interest form.


Order of events are subject to change. Visit > July & August or use our web-app at for details and updates.


Also, considering enrolling in our 3-Credit Academic CommunitiesFYEX110 Course (CRN 78845) this Fall semester. Tuesdays and Thursdays 2 - 3:15 pm. 


THIS IS NOT A COURSE, as no enrollment is required. These are stand-alone events. Attend what you can.

To RSVP to receive reminders for our stand-alone session offerings, you MUST RSVP for EACH session you are interested in:



Questions? Contact Yadéeh at or 505-277-9151.


Series Structure

Session material is presented via live PowerPoint dynamic and interactive presentations for continual student engagement and maximum learning experience.

Series Content

  • Basic Excel*
  • Career Readiness
  • Critical Thinking & Pop-Science
  • Engineering in the Real World & Spatial Reasoning
  • How to get into a research lab & Ethics
  • How to talk to Instructors
  • Impostor Syndrome
  • Learning, Studying, & Test Taking
  • Metrics & Scientific Notation
  • Personal Growth, Student Development, and Goal Setting
  • Possible Career Pathways & the Scientific Method
  • Technical Reading and Writing, including Citations*
  • Time Management
  • Tutoring, Team Work, & Study Groups
  • UNM Resources & Advisement

 *Extended hours. See our events page or app for additional details.


Past Student Reviews

  • I think the summer bridge course has helped me especially in things like writing emails and not sounding too unprofessional. Since everything's online, writing emails ends up being the most common way I contact people for school now.
  • I’m keeping up with my assignments and this is one of the most important thing I learned in [these sessions] (do not procrastinate). Of course, the summer bridge class has helped me in several ways. I’m so lucky I got to know Yadéeh and Nada from the summer course.
  • I would say that the course has proven helpful to me since I have been constantly using the resources that were introduced and I have maintained good habits as an engineer and student.
  • My course load is challenging but, the summer bridge course definitely helped in a few areas that I would have otherwise struggled with. [Since this session was for credit during Summer 2020,] learning how to use Blackboard/Learn before my fall classes began gave me an advantage because rather than struggling to figure out the interface, I was able to focus on the actual material for my courses. Further, the techniques the instructors demonstrated for effective communication have proven very useful throughout this semester.  I appreciate all that the ESS does to support its students and provide opportunities to improve our overall experience.
  • I found the email section was incredibly helpful, and the course overall familiarized me with [Since this session was for credit during Summer 2020,] Blackboard Learn and helped adjust my expectations for college classes.
  • I feel like the summer bridge 100% helped me get back into the school routine, and it also helped me adjust more to online classes.