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ESS Outreach Initiatives

Please contact or 505-277-4354 with any questions. 

Student Outreach Opportunities

Are you interested in K-12, transfer, and community outreach opportunities? Here are some ways to make that happen:

  • Become a School of Engineering student Scholar or Ambassador (websites coming soon, contact Elsa Castillo for more information (
  • Join a Student Organization - many of them do outreach.
  • Keep an eye out for select opportunities in our weekly STEM Announcements email (sign up for the UNM_STEM-L listserv HERE or by following THESE instructions)
  •  Are you a School of Engineering Student (any year/major) interested in participating in outreach actives? Please complete THIS form (coming soon) to be added to our list of potential participants if the need arises beyond the student orgs and our scholars/ambassadors.


Outreach Engagement

The following outreach engagements would not be possible without the support of the student organizations, our scholars (see Student Outreach Opportunities above),  and monetary support from out various grant funded programs and partnerships (including NSF S-STEM and more, additional info coming soon).

  • Recruitment (primary points of contact: for transfer/transition students: Dara Smith, (505) 277-0144,; for high school students: Gregory Vigil, (505) 277-1417, - This includes the School of Engineering Open House and hands-on activities, participation in college fairs, ccampus/School of Engineering tours, and presentations/talks (at UNM or the requesting school). Requests from high schools are given priority, but middle and elementary schools are encouraged to reach out. 
  • Summer Programs for High School Students (primary point of contact: Anyssa Romero, - see for additional details. These are opportunities for incoming 10th and 11th graders. These programs are offered in 2 sessions (June and July) and allow participants to have an early exposure to STEM concepts through hands-on experiences, while providing them with some college preparation. These programs supported through federal grants, state, and private sources.
  • K-12 One-day Events (primary point of contact: Elsa Castillo, (505) 277-5064 or - These events take place on Saturdays, and are partner or grant funded engagements. These events historically include, but are not limited to:
    • ESS Lead Events:
      • Math Moves U (Fall): Funded by a grant from Raytheon.  Hands-on activities are developed by the student organizations. The target audience are 6th through 9th graders, with participation priority given to NM MESA Clubs. Participants are divided in groups and rotate through the different rooms.
      • Energy Day (Spring): Funded by the Department of Energy through the Consortium for Hybrid Energy Systems (CHRES). The Target Audience for Energy Day are Middle School and High School students.  This event includes hands-on activities. This event is limited to about 120 participants.
      • Space Day (Spring): Funded by a grant from NASA and in partnership with Stanford University. The target audience are middle school and high school students. This event includes hands-on activities.
    • Partner Events:
      • Run Ners Run (1 Saturday, Fall)
      • SER National Day (1 Weekday, Fall)
      • Expanding Your Horizons (1 Saturday, early January)
      • Future Cities (1 Saturday, early January)
      • MathCounts Local and Regional (2 Saturdays, Spring)
      • SWE Art of Science (1 Saturday, Spring)
      • Vex Robotics competition (1 Saturday, Spring)
      • Computer Science Professional Development for Teachers (1 week,  first week in June)

Interested in having us visit your school with hands-on activities, have presentation about what we do at the School of Engineering, participating in our stand-alone events, or host an event at the School of Engineering? Please complete THIS form (coming soon...until then, email Note, requests are assessed on a case-by-case basis.