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Mentoring for Professionals/Mentors

If you are a professional mentor, apply here

(Having trouble accessing the application because of a firewall issue? Contact Yadéeh at

SEMESTERLY DEADLINES: February 5 and September 5.

Matches will be announced by the following Wednesday.



You don't have to be part of the program to join us for our (more info HERE):

    • STEM Mixer (generally the 1st Friday after matching)
    • STEM Celebration (generally the final Friday before finals)


Read a letter to potential mentors

The UNM STEM Mentoring Program helps UNM STEM undergraduate students build a supportive relationship with a scientist, engineer, or other relevant professional from Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL), Sandia National Laboratories (SNL), or other local companies and organizations. Students in the program are matched with a professional mentor and the two of them collaborate on various informal activities to enhance their schooling experience and professional development.
Mentors are often from engineering, computer science, and physics backgrounds. Occasionally, we have mentors from math, chemistry, biochemistry, biology, and Earth & Planetary science backgrounds. 
We NEVER have medical professionals serving as mentors. Freshmen and sophomores who are interested in health science can still sign up for a mentor, as early-level students can still gain something from mentors outside of health science. Juniors and seniors would benefit more from mentors within their field. So, juniors and seniors interested in health science may not be matched with a mentor. If you would like to build relationships with a health professional or explore health-related careers, visit the Office for Pre-Health Professions at
The program recruits STEM professionals on a rolling basis. Mentors can sign up to be a mentor by completing the electronic mentor interest form linked at the top of this page.
Mentors and mentees meet for about an hour a week (preferably an in-person meeting). Meeting times and activities are arranged by the mentors and mentees. Mentorships last approximately a semester, unless both mentor and mentee wish to extend the partnership.
Students are encouraged to work with their mentor on a long-term goal, such as exploring different college majors or STEM fields, applying for internships, getting involved in research, meeting other scientists and engineers, and more.
Engineering Student Success Center (ESS) staff help students identify a goal to work on during orientation. Then, students and their mentors determine which weekly mentoring activities will help students’ achieve their goal(s). A typical activity includes talking over coffee or touring the mentor’s workplace. Meeting times and activities are arranged by the mentors and mentees.
ESS provides support, including check-in emails and optional activities throughout the year. Information on other mentoring program activities, such as laboratory tours and networking mixers will be emailed out.
ESS is is located on the 2nd floor of the Centennial Engineering Center in suite 2080.
For more information, contact Yadéeh Sawyer at or Nada Abdelhack at
Please see "Mentoring Program - Documents" for Information for Mentors, as well as Student Orientation documents.